En büyük 10 tekno-milyarder yatı

Barış Soydan

#10 Skype kurucusu Niklas Zennström'ün "Rán" isimli sayısız yatı var.

#10 Skype cofounder Niklas Zennström is an avid sailor and owns several yachts in the Rán Racing fleet, including the 72-foot "Rán" and brand-new "Rán V."

#9 Virgin kurucusu  Richard Branson'ın katamaranı "Necker Belle".

#9 Virgin founder Richard Branson owns a 105-foot catamaran called the "Necker Belle," which he regularly charters. Rates start at $80,000 a week.

#8 Google'un kurucularından Larry Page'in Yeni Zelandalı işadamı Sir Douglas Myers'den 45 milyon dolara satın aldığı "Senses". Yatın tasarımı Philippe Starck'a ait. İçinde jakuzi bile var.

#8 In 2011, Google cofounder Larry Page bought the 193-foot "Senses" yacht from New Zealand businessman Sir Douglas Myers for $45 million. The yacht was designed by Philippe Starck, has a helipad and jacuzzi, and can accommodate up to 10 guests and 14 crew members.

#7 Google Başkanı Eric Schmidt'in yatı "Oasis".  72.3 milyon dolara almıştı. İçinde disko dahi var.

#7 Google chairman Eric Schmidt owns "Oasis," a 194-foot superyacht that he reportedly paid $72.3 million for in 2009. The yacht has plenty of amenities, including a pool, jet skis, and a gym that can be converted into a disco.

#6 Steve Jobs'un hayatının son yıllarında ünlü tasarımcı Philippe Starck'a sipariş ettiği "Venus". Yat 27-inç'lik iMac'erle yönetiliyor.

#6 The late Steve Jobs commissioned legendary designer Philippe Starck to build "Venus," a stunning 256-foot megayacht. The yacht is glassy and sleek, reminiscent of an Apple device, and a row of 27-inch iMacs serves as the control panel inside. Jobs died before the boat was complete.

#5 IAC CEO'su Barry Diller ve eşi Diane von Furstenber'un yatı "EOS".

#5 IAC CEO Barry Diller and wife Diane von Furstenberg own the 271-foot "EOS," one of the largest sailing vessels in the world. "I'm sure I'll get hungry for doing another boat as well at some point, another stripe of another kind," he told Portfolio in 2007. "Once you're in boats, you either go bankrupt or you keep going."

#4 Oracle CEO'su Larry Ellison'ın yatı "Musashi". Adını 16. Yüzyıl'da yaşamış bir Japon samuraydan alıyor.

#4 Oracle CEO Larry Ellison named his 288-foot "Musashi" yacht after a revered 16th-century Japanese warrior. The boat's amenities include two master suites and a basketball hoop.

#3 Mark Cuban'sın yatı "Fountainhead", Larry Ellison'ın yatının "kardeşi."

#3 Mark Cuban's 288-foot "Fountainhead" yacht is the sister ship to Ellison's "Musashi." The two ships look nearly the same from the outside, though Cuban reportedly went for a more antique-inspired interior.

#2 Microsoft kurucusu Paul Allen dünyanın en büyük iki yatının sahibi. "Tatoosh"uh içinde sinema, yüzme havuzu, müzik stüdyosu var.  2010'da 160 milyon dolara satmaya kalkmış ama müşteri bulamamıştı.

#2 Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen owns two of the largest yachts in the world. His 303-foot "Tatoosh" has a cinema, swimming pool, recording studio, gym, and accommodations for 20 guests. He listed the yacht for $160 million back in 2010, but he failed to find a buyer after more than four years on the market, and it is no longer for sale.

#1 Allen'ın diğer yatı "Octopus"da iki helikopter pisti, denizaltı ve yüzme havuzu bulunuyor.

#1 Allen also owns the 414-foot "Octopus." It has some crazy features, including a glass-bottom pool, two helicopter pads, and a submarine that can accommodate up to 10 people. It's also played host to some crazy parties, including the annual celebration he throws during the Cannes Film Festival.